Special Focus: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power Plan
Posted on August 14, 2015 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist
#ESG IssuesPosted on August 14, 2015 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist
#ESG IssuesThe big news while you may have been away on vacation or sunning at the beach: President Barack Obama has unveiled the final version of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) rules. The new regulations will provide the framework for individual U.S. states to meet emissions-reduction goals in their electricity service area.
The new rules are described as the “Clean Power Plan,” designed to reduce “carbon pollution” from electric-generation power plants. States will be able to customize their plans to reach carbon reduction goals. There’s a slew of resources for you at the U.S. EPA web site: http://www2.epa.gov/
Below are the headlines from Reuters and others as the announcement was coming:
Obama’s climate plan seeks to slash emissions from power plants
(Monday – August 03, 2015)
Source: Reuters – The White House said it will launch the first ever rule on Monday to cut carbon emissions from power plants, a plan that opponents in the coal industry and their political allies will fight in the courts. In a fact sheet issued…
Obama’s Clean Power Plan Seen Wiping Out High-Cost Coal
(Tuesday – August 04, 2015)
Source: Bloomberg – Coal producers strapped with high costs and debt are headed for extinction under President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
UN Chief Welcomes Climate Change Plan Unveiled By President Obama
(Tuesday – August 04, 2015) Associated Profiles : United Nations – All Programs
Source: Silicon India – United Nations: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has welcomed the Clean Power Plan formally unveiled today by President Barack Obama, saying it shows the determination of the United States to address…
Things Every American Should Know About the Clean Power Plan
(Tuesday – August 04, 2015)
Source: US EPA – President Obama will unveil the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power Plan—a historic step to cut the carbon pollution driving climate change. Here are six key things every American should know
Three charts explaining Obama’s energy regulations
(Tuesday – August 04, 2015)
Source: CNBC – President Barack Obama on Monday debuted sweeping regulations meant to address the growing threat of climate change. The new rules would significantly reduce climate-changing emissions from U.S. power plants and push the nation’s…
Coal companies have been scorched under Obama
(Tuesday – August 04, 2015)
Source: CNN Money – Companies have struggled for five years in an environment of strict regulation and low prices, along with a host of poorly-timed mergers. Alpha Natural Resources (ANRZ) filed for bankruptcy on Monday, becoming the latest coal…
U.S. Emissions Rules Give Paris Climate Change Talks a Boost
(Thursday – August 06, 2015)
Source: World Politics Review – On Monday, President Barack Obama unveiled the final version of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) rules. The new regulations, a tweak to initial rules that had been released in June 2014, are meant to…
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