Meet Janis Herzig
Posted on May 11, 2017 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist
#Business & Society #Corporate Citizenship #Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #Sustainability Professionals
Joining Outstanding Faculty for Spring CSR Certificate Course
May 16th and 17th at Rutgers University Business School
On May 16th and 17th, the Rutgers Institute for Ethical Leadership and Governance & Accountability Institute present the Spring 2017 CSR Certificate Program for corporate managers, not-for-profit and foundation managers, and others interested in career opportunities and advancement in the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”), Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Sustainability, Philanthropy, Risk Management, Ethics, and related positions.
An outstanding faculty of professionals from leading CSR and sustainable investment organizations will lead the interactive discussions which are a feature of the course. For more information about the course and to register, visit:
Meet one of your course leaders:
Janis Herzig
Director, Global Public Policy and Sustainability for PepsiCo
Topic: “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Panel – GRI Corporate Reporters”
A conversation with Janis:
Q: How is your day-to-day work related to the CSR Certificate Program?
[JH] Every day is a new adventure and I never know what issues may come up. Over the last several years my focus has been on sustainability engagement and reporting. I maintain PepsiCo’s relationship with our sustainability groups, such as Ceres, SustainAbility and the Sustainability Leadership Forum as well as our investors and NGOs. I try to stay engaged with our sustainability experts in the company to be aware of our key priorities strategies, challenges and performance.
All of this feeds into our sustainability reports, including our annual GRI Report and important sustainability questionnaires and surveys. I work closely with the Sustainability Office and Sustainability Communications team on development of our reports.
Q: What can attendees expect to learn from your session?
[JH] I am looking forward to sharing PepsiCo’s sustainability journey. I also hope to convey how to develop your sustainability transparency strategy, important considerations when developing reports, managing challenges and expectations as well as the fabulous feeling you have when your report is published.
Q: What advice do you have or opportunity that you see for attendees who complete the CSR Certificate Program?
[JH] “Sustainability” is a very broad area and there is room in the field to focus on your passions. Think about your passions and your strengths and create a path that marries the two.
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Career Background: Janis Herzig – PepsiCo
Janis Herzig is Director, Global Public Policy and Sustainability for PepsiCo. She serves as part of the leadership team responsible for PepsiCo’s external public policy issues.
Working with key internal functions on stakeholder engagement, she builds the awareness of critical matters to PepsiCo such as health and wellness. She leads the implementation and compliance monitoring of PepsiCo’s health and wellness marketplace policies and represents PepsiCo in several organizations and serves as Treasurer of the International Food and Beverage Alliance.
As senior manager, Janis led sustainability reporting including preparation of the GRI report and submissions to key sustainability rankings such as PepsiCo’s submission to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Janis now provides guidance on PepsiCo sustainability reporting.
Janis joined PepsiCo in 1999 in the Legal Department serving in various capacities from managing the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) compliance to corporate governance related matters. She has held several other roles within the Global Public Policy and Government Affairs department, all of which have focused on building awareness of PepsiCo’s health and wellness efforts and enhancing the transparency of those efforts to a key external audience. Also, Janis developed and led an award-winning volunteer program with Guiding Eyes for the Blind, where over 100 PepsiCo associates participate.
For more information about the course and to register, visit: