GRI Reporting 2025 — Future of Reporting: Deeper Integration, Greater Scrutiny

Posted on October 9, 2015 by Louis Coppola

#Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #Sustainability Reporting 

The GRI global organization is looking ahead to the sustainability and reporting trends in 2025, GRI’s Reporting 2025 project aims to facilitate the discussion around the future of reporting. These papers examine the key decisions businesses will focus on in the next decade in order to transition to a sustainable economy, and how disclosure and reporting should be shaped to support decision makers in this process.
The insights presented in this Second Analysis Paper Sustainability and Reporting Trends in 2025, launched in October 2015, provide the main conclusions of the Sustainability and Reporting 2025 project. They result from the analysis of 22 interviews conducted as part of the project, as well as other sources.
Download the Second Analysis Paper 
 In May 2015 GRI published the First Analysis Paper, which provided the first set of preliminary conclusions of the Sustainability and Reporting 2025 project. They resulted from the analysis of the first nine interviews conducted as part of the project, as well as other sources.
Download the First Analysis Paper