A Fascinating Look Into the 21st Century – The Forbes Interview With Hank Boerner by Chris Skroupa

Posted on April 29, 2016 by Louis Coppola

#Business & Society #Corporate Governance #Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability 

Of interest, The Forbes interview by Chris Skroupa of G&A Institute chair and chief strategist, Hank Boerner.  As we move deeper into the 21st Century, what are some of the ingredients for business success?  To a significant degree, these will include the important foundations put in place in the 19th and 20th Century.  As we innovate, we also build on the previous decades’ innovations, Boerner suggests.  And while it is difficult, of course, to predict the future, we can look at what worked in terms of breakthrough thinking and tinkerers’ insights (such as John Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, all the way back to the 18th Century breakthrough by James Watt and the steam engine) that led the way for industrialization and continue to point the way in the 21st Century to future innovations and breakthrough thinking (like that of Elon Musk).This is a fascinating conversation that we think you will enjoy reading.  It’s a good companion piece to the insights offered by Sustainable Brands’ Dimitar Vhalov.
And do tune in to the Skytop Strategies and G&A Institute conference on the 21st Century company coming in June at Baruch College/CUNY in New York City — click here for more information.
The 21st-Century Company: Is It Different From Companies Of Yesteryear?
(Tuesday – April 22, 2016)
Source: Forbes – Christopher P. Skroupa: Here we are in the middle of the second decade of the 21st Century. What is different for “21st Century companies” from those of the previous century? Hank Boerner: In general, there is a fascination with the concepts of centuries and decades. Kids growing up in the 1960s were different from those of the 70s and so on. Decades as we recall them may be somewhat similar, but there are very dramatic differences between centuries in business, politics, culture, economics, and other human endeavors…