A Big Year, 2018 – Tipping Points For Developments in Corporate Sustainability & Sustainable Investing…
Posted on January 26, 2018 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist
#Impact Investing #Investment Case #SRI #Sustainable Investing
by Hank Boerner – Chair and Chief Strategist – G&A Institute
Volume & Velocity!
Those may be well the key characteristics of developments in corporate sustainability and in sustainable in the year 2018.
Linda-Eling Lee, Global Head of Research for MSCI’s ESG Research Group and her colleague Matt Moscardi (Head of Research Financial Sector, ESG) this week described what they are projecting in the traditional early-in-the-year setting out of key ESG trends to watch by the influential MSCI ESG team:
Bigger, faster, more – that’s how Linda describes the “onslaught of challenges happening soon and more dramatically that many could have imagined” in the corporate sector” (including public policy, technology, and climate change as key factors).
Investors (in turn) are looking for ways to better position their portfolios to navigate the uncertainty of the 2018 operating environment in the corporate sector.
As the “heads up” for investors and companies– the five key 2018 trends projected by MSCI’s ESG researchers/analysts:
- Investors will be using ESG “signals” to navigate the size/shape of the Emerging Markets investment universe to pick the winners for portfolios.
- The first steps are coming in “scenario testing” for climate change (this is systematically looking at risks emanating from company carbon footprints across asset classes, with short- and long-term transition scenarios).
- The fixed-income universe will see acceleration (velocity) with the alignment of ESG frameworks by investors across all asset classes.
- And this is very important for the corporate sector:
Investors are looking beyond the growing volume of corporate disclosure and reporting for data.
Keep In Mind: 65% of a company’s rating by MSCI is based on data sources beyond the corporate reporting!
- MSCI sees 2018 as the Year of the Human – it’s about human talent, talent, talent! That is, what companies do to help in the transitioning to new working environments (with the changes brought about by automation, artificial intelligence, robotics) that will be factored into the analysis of public companies by the MSCI ESG team, and measured over time (for outcomes over a 3-year horizon).
Linda Eling-Lee observed: These are the major trends that we think will shape how investors approach the risks and opportunities in 2018.
Already, at the Davos meetings this week, major global firms in IT are creating an initiative to “tech-reskill” one million people to meet the global skills gap challenge inherent in the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (firms are Cisco, Accenture, CA Technologies, HP, Infosys, Salesforce, SAP, Tata Consultancy, others).
What we think company managements / boards should expect in the “volume and velocity” context: many more investors (the volume / especially large fiduciaries) are embracing comprehensive ESG factors in their analysis and portfolio management approaches with a faster uptake of this trend among the mainstream elements of the capital markets players (the velocity).
Voluntary reporting by companies has its limits in providing a full picture of the companies’ ESG risks,” the MSCI ESG researchers note. “In 2018 we anticipate that the disclosure movement reaches a tipping point, as investors seek broader data sources that balance the corporate narrative and yield better signals for understanding the ESG risk landscape actually faced by portfolio companies”
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Buzzing: The Larry Fink CEO-to-CEO Message for 2018
Speaking of significant influence, the head of the world’s largest asset management firm sent an important CEO-to-CEO letter to stress the importance of companies having “a social purpose”
Background: BlackRock engages with about 1,500 companies a year on a range of ESG issues, meeting with boards of directors and CEOs, and other shareholders when that is needed.
Each year, CEO Fink reaches out to the CEOs of companies in portfolio to alert them to the key issues in focus for BlackRock (as fiduciary).
For 2017-2018, the key Investment Stewardship priorities are:
- Corporate Governance / Accountability
- Corporate Strategy
- Executive Compensation Policies
- Human Capital (again — there’s the focus on talent management)
- Climate Risk Disclosure
Larry Fink is the Founder, Chair, and CEO of BlackRock and heads the firm’s “Global Executive Committee.” BlackRock is about to celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2018. It now manages more than US$6 trillion (Assets Under Management-AUM).
Of this, $1.7 trillion is in active funds managed by the company. As one of the world’s most important and influential (and trend-setting) fiduciaries BlackRock engages with company management to drive the sustainable, long-term growth clients need to meet their goals.
“Indeed,” CEO Fink said in his letter to CEOs, ”the public expectations of your company has never been higher.”
“Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose…to prosper over time, every company must show it makes a positive contribution to society.”
“Without a sense of purpose, no company…can achieve its full potential…it will ultimately lose the license to operate from key stakeholders…”
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The Key Word on Responsible Investing Growth is Global, RBC Reported
In October 2017, RBC Global Asset Management (RBC GAM) conducted its second annual global survey of asset managers. Two-out-of-three respondents said they used ESG considerations, and 25% will increase their allocations to managers with ESG investment strategies to offer in 2018.
Does ESG mitigate risk…or drive alpha? Answers were mixed. Some asset managers are increasing their allocation and others are skeptical, especially about the accuracy and value of the available data on corporate ESG performance.
For 2018: RBC sees responsible investing as a global trend, with many managers incorporating ESG in analysis and portfolio management due to client (asset owner) demand.
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Tracking Company Behaviors – The RepRisk ESG Risk Platform
One of the leading producers of research and business intelligence for the banking and investment communities is RepRisk, based in Zurich, Switzerland. The firm started in 2006 to serve bank clients wanting to be alerted to real or possible risk issues in the corporate sector.
RepRisk developed artificial intelligence and data mining tools, that along with human analysis, “reduces blind spots and sheds light on risks that can have reputational, compliance and financial impacts on a company…”
Today, there are 100,000-plus companies in the RepRisk database (both listed and non-listed, from all countries and sectors). The firm started out monitoring 100 companies for clients. The daily screening is delivered in 16 languages and about 50 companies a day are added for screening. Is your company one of those tracked? What are the risks tracked?
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Does Adoption of ESG Approaches Sacrifice Corporate Performance?
Robeco, one of the world’s leading financial services firms (based on The Netherlands), and a sister company of RobecoSAM, managers of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, looked at the question of whether or not the adoption of ESG / sustainability approaches “cost” the company performance.
Adopting sustainability approaches does require investment, but companies with poor ESG performance also have greater risks and “seriously under-perform” their peers. And investors “win” by investing in the better performers (that reduce risk, strategize around climate change, reduce bad behaviors).
Says Robeco: “…a growing body of evidence concludes that companies which are progressively more sustainable today will reap the rewards of the future…and it may save their businesses…”
The Company’s positioning: “Robeco is an international asset manager offering an extensive range of active investments, from equities to bonds. Research lies at the heart of everything we do, with a ‘pioneering but cautious’ approach that has been in our DNA since our foundation in Rotterdam in 1929. We believe strongly in sustainability investing, quantitative techniques and constant innovation.”
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CalPERS, America’s Leading Public Employee System – Corporate Engagement on Diversity Issues
“CalPERS: is the California Public Employee’s Retirement System, the largest state investment fund in the United States with about $350 billion in total fund market AUM.
CalPERS sent letters to 504 companies in the Russell 3000 Index to engage on the issue of diversity on the companies’ boards of directors.
CalPERS request: the company should develop and then disclose their corporate board diversity policy, and the details of the plan’s implementation (to address what CalPERS sees as lack of diversity in the companies).
“Simply put, board diversity is good for business,” said Anne Simpson, CalPERS’ investment director for sustainability.
Starting in Fall 2017 and into 2018, CalPERS is monitoring companies’ progress on the matter and making it a topic for engagement discussions. If a company lags in progress, CalPERS will consider withholding votes from director-candidates at annual voting time (at annual meetings).
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The Climate Action 100+ Investor Initiative
Sign of the times: More than 200 investors supporting action on climate change by the corporate sector are focusing on the board room of such companies as ExxonMobil, Boeing, GE, P&G, Ford, Volvo, PepsiCo, BP, Shell, Nestle, Airbus, and other enterprises (the “100” plus companies in focus) to dialogue on their GhG emissions as contributions to global warming.
The 100 corporates are said to account for 85% of the total GhG emissions worldwide – they need to step up, says the Coalition, and develop strategies and take action (and disclose!) to address the issue. The investors manage more than $26 trillion in AUM, and are coordinating their efforts through five partnerships…
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McKinsey Weighs In – ESG No Longer “Niche” – Assets Are Soaring
The McKinsey & Co. experts studied ESG investing and reported to corporate clients that of the $88 trillion in AUM in the world’s capital markets (in late-October), more than $1-in-$4 (25%-plus) are invested according to ESG principles. That’s a growth of 17% a year, and ESG has become “a large and fast-growing market segment.”
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Investors Are Not Forgetting – Rana Plaza Still in Focus
One of the characteristics of the sustainable investing market players is having-the-memory-of-the-elephant. Do you remember the Rana Plaza apparel factory tragedy of five years ago? Most media reporters and commentators have moved on to other crisis events.
Investors are signing on to a statement – “Investors Call on Global Brands to Re-commit to the Bangladesh Accord for Fire and Building Safety” – with focus on the upcoming fifth anniversary of the statement signed (in May 2013) after the accident that killed more than 1,000 workers in Bangladesh.
Reforms were promised in the Accord by industry participants and trade unions.
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Another Example of Investor Action – McDonald’s
“In a win for the health of the world’s oceans,” began the As You Sow shareholder advocacy group announcement, “McDonald’s Corp. agreed to end the use of polystyrene foam packaging – worldwide! – – by the end of 2018.
The advocacy group had campaigned to have the fast food retailer stop using foam cups and takeout containers.
A shareholder proposal filed by As You Sow in May 2017 requested the company stop using polystyrene and 32% of shares voted (worth $26 billion at the time) voted to support.
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Finally – What a Low-Carbon Economy Looks Like – California Dreamin’
The State of California is the world’s sixth largest economy all by itself!
While President Donald Trump upon taking office fulfilled one of his signature campaign promises – beginning the process of withdrawal from the historic COP 21 Paris Accord on climate change – California Governor Edmund (Jerry) G. Brown, Jr is moving ahead with his state’s plans to move to a low-carbon economy.
The Global Climate Change Action Summit is scheduled for September 2018 in San Francisco, California.
The theme, as described by the governor: “Sub-national governments” (cities & states), business sector leaders, investors and civil society leaders will gather to “demonstrate the groundswell of innovative, ambitious climate action from leaders around the world, highlight economic and environmental transition already underway and spur deeper commitment from all parties, including national governments.”
Says the governor: “California remains committed to a clean energy future and we welcome the responsibility to lead on America’s behalf…”
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Coming: ISS QualityScores for “E” and “S” for 1,500 Companies
As we communicated in early January, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) has expanded its long-term focus on corporate governance to encompass “E” and “S” issues for its QualityScore product for fiduciaries (its client base). In late-January it is expected that ISS will issue the first wave of scores for 1,500 companies in six industries, expanding to 5,000 companies in additional industries by mid-year 2018.
The first 1,500 companies to be scored are in Autos & Components; Capital Goods; Consumer Durables & Apparel; Energy; Materials; and, Transportation.
The QualityScore is a Disclosure and Transparency Signal that investor-clients are seeking, says ISS, and an important resource for investors to conduct comparisons with corporate peers.
Keep in mind: ISS serves its 1,700 clients with coverage in 117 global markets.
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There’s much more information on this and other critical 2018 tipping points for corporate managers and investment professionals in the comprehensive management brief from the G&A Institute team posted on our G&A Institute’s “To the Point!” platform for you.
We’re presenting here more details on the MSCI trends forecast, the BlackRock CEO-to-CEO letter about Social Purpose for the Corporation, California’s move toward a low-carbon economy, RepRisk’s focus areas for corporate behavior…and a host of additional important developments at the start of the year 2018 that will shape the operating environment throughout the year – and beyond! Read the brief here!