Rutgers / G&A CSR Certificate Update: Eric Fernald of MSCI, and Peter Roselle of Morgan Stanley
Posted on April 18, 2016 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist
#Business & Society #Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #ESG Issues #Materiality #SRI #Sustainability Big Data #Sustainability Professionals #Sustainability Reporting #Sustainable InvestingWhat is the ROI on Sustainability Led by Eric Fernald of MSCI, and Peter Roselle From Morgan Stanley Joins Louis Coppola as Co-Presenter for The Interactive Materiality Workshop
IMPORTANT NOTE:Registration Deadline Approaching for CSR Certificate Program at The Rutgers University Institute for Ethical Leadership — Click Here to Register for the 2-day Course
On April 27th and 28th, an outstanding faculty will present at the new two-day CSR Certificate Program at the Rutgers University Business School’s Ethical Leadership Institute in downtown Newark, New Jersey.
Registrants for the 2-day session will learn about the meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the series of important actions that need to be implemented to design a concise CSR strategy at their organizations. Participants will gain valuable insights and “shared wisdom” regarding best practices and current trends that will be shared by the outstanding faculty assembled for the two-day certificate course.
Eric Fernald is an Executive Director and Leader of ESG Research, Corporate Communications and Engagement Program at MSCI. Eric is also the ESG research lead for MSCI’s standard ESG indexes, and is a board member of the ESG Ratings Review Committee, which approves all major changes to MSCI ESG product offerings for investors.
Eric will be leading a course focused on Return on Investment of ESG and Sustainability from the investors’ point of view.
Eric has been involved in ESG (environmental, social, governance) research and product development since 1995, serving as KLD Research & Analytics director of research (2002-2009); KLD was acquired by MSCI in 2009. Eric is a well-known and influential voice in ESG and sustainability investing. MSCI is a US-based independent provider of research-driven insights and tools for institutional investors, with deep expertise in the areas of risk and performance measurement. MSCI is perhaps best known as a provider of equity indexes, including the MSCI World and MSCI EAFE Indexes.
Peter Roselle, CPM, CFP, is a Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley. Peter has been a Certified Financial Planner since 1989. He holds an MBA from Seton Hall University. His work at Morgan Stanley involves helping executives and business owners with retirement and estate planning strategies and optimizing investment portfolios through sustainable investing principles.
Peter serves as vice chair of the Sustainable Investing Committee of the New York Society of Securities Analysts (NYSSA), the largest chapter of the Certified Financial Analysts Institute. Peter helps to plan and manage events for financial analysts and asset managers to learn more about the importance of CSR and corporate ESG performance as a factor in investment analysis and decision-making. Morgan Stanley is an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in New York City.
CSR professionals are invited to join their colleagues from organizations such as Johnson & Johnson and United Way of St. Louis to network, learn, and earn their certificate from an accomplished group of real world experts in the field of CSR & Sustainability. Click here to register for the 2-day course.
To learn more about the CSR Certificate program, call 973.353.1134, email, or visit
Governance & Accountability Institute is a sustainability consulting firm headquartered in New York City, assisting corporations in executing winning strategies that maximize return on investment at every step of their sustainability journey. The G&A team helps corporate and investment community clients recognize, understand and address sustainability issues to address stakeholder and shareholder concerns. G&A Institute is the exclusive Data Partner for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the USA, UK and Ireland. A G&A team of six or more perform this pro bono work on behalf of GRI. In 2015, they analyzed more than 1,200 sustainability reports in this role and databased more than 100 important data points related to each report.
G&A’s sustainability-focused services and resources include: counseling & strategies for the corporate sustainability journey; sustainability reporting assistance; thorough materiality assessments; stakeholder engagement; benchmarking; enhancing investor relations; sustainability communications; manager coaching, team building and training; issues monitoring & customized research; advice on third party awards and recognitions. Visit G&A at
The Institute for Ethical Leadership at Rutgers Business School works with business and government, nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, and within Rutgers University to provide leaders and future leaders with the education, training and critical-thinking tools needed to become more effective leaders and managers and make ethical decisions for real-world challenges. For more information, visit